Prioritizing worksite safety
At the job site or in the office, make sure your team is prepared to help treat medical emergencies with ZOLL® ResQSystem™ solutions.
Contact a product expertAt the job site or in the office, make sure your team is prepared to help treat medical emergencies with ZOLL® ResQSystem™ solutions.
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Manufacturing, construction, and utility sites can be high-risk work environments. Heavy machinery, electrical currents, loud noises, and maneuvering in hard-to-reach places can raise the risk of traumatic injuries and sudden cardiac arrest for your employees.
ZOLL offers best-in-class AEDs and trauma kits to keep your workplace safe and compliant. Backed with program management tools that free you of time-consuming device tracking, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that your workers — and your bottom line — are both ready and protected.
Strenuous work, falls, injuries from falling objects, and other workplace hazards can trigger a cardiac event. ZOLL AEDs provide real-time guidance, enabling anyone to take action and help save a life.
Learn more about our products
In the workplace or on the go, trauma supplies will be within reach with our lightweight, compact kit. It contains supplies to help manage emergencies like severe bleeding, seizures, choking, and hypothermia. The phone-based app provides real-time guidance.
The Powerheart® G5 AED with Intellisense™ CPR coaches rescuers with real-time corrective feedback on rate and depth to ensure delivery of quality CPR compressions. Perform each step of the rescue guided by user-paced instruction from RescueCoach® voice and text prompts. Fully automatic shock delivery, one-button dual-language functionality, and automatic self-testing give rescuers the power to act with confidence.
Be prepared with our most extensive set of medical supplies and interactive instructions to help manage severe bleeding, seizures, choking, hypothermia, fractures, allergic reactions, and more. The integrated instructional app guides users with real-time instructions on how to use the supplies to provide care.
AEDs help save lives — when they’re working properly. Be Rescue Ready with ZOLL's program management software, maintenance, and training.
When someone’s life is in the balance, you need responsive solutions. The AED 3 defibrillator is one of the fastest in the industry. It provides data and evidence-based guidance that have the potential to significantly increase a patient’s chances of survival.
Respond to mass casualty events with greater efficiency. This option contains four small utility kits so several people can help multiple victims at the same time. Each kit contains supplies to address severe bleeding, airway issues, seizures, and more.
When someone suffers sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) on your watch, you need an AED and responders who are Rescue Ready®. PlusTrac is an interactive, web-based solution that streamlines administration and provides visibility into your AED program. The software helps you stay current on program compliance, keep up with the health of your devices, and track your team’s work and progress.
AEDs are an essential part of lifesaving care. Our AED Plus provides real-time, evidence-based CPR guidance with the option of shocking the heart when necessary.
Helpful resources
National workplace safety standards exist to protect employees and help you prepare to manage medical emergencies.
Read our eBookTips and best practices to ensure devices and responders are ready when needed.
Read our eBookLearn some common misconceptions about sudden cardiac arrest on construction sites and how ZOLL solutions can help.
Read our flyerSevere bleeding, burns, seizures, or SCA — when there’s a call for help, make sure you have access to the right equipment and real-time guidance at your fingertips.
Be preparedSource:
Source: OSHA 29 CFR 1926.50(d)(1),
Also of interest
When Danny collapsed shortly after arriving at his job, his coworker Scotty sprang into action. He grabbed a ZOLL AED, and it immediately indicated that a shock was needed. Following the AED’s prompts, Scotty performed CPR for nearly a half hour until emergency services arrived.
Read the full storyManufacturing, construction, and utility work is physically demanding, and sites are often in hard-to-reach areas. These factors increase the risk of sudden cardiac arrest and traumatic injuries and can also complicate professional rescue efforts.
See how you can help before EMS arrivesCardiac arrest can be brought on by many factors. Immediate intervention with high-quality CPR can make the difference between life and death.
Learn moreRoughly 50% of all workplace electrocutions come from contact with a power line. Contact with electrical machines or tools causes a quarter of them.1
Make sure you have an AED on-site1 Foris LA and Huecker MR. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCIB): Electrical Injuries.
Empower anyone on-site to expedite care and help save lives with ZOLL AEDs and trauma kits.
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