Prioritizing workplace safety
Anyone in your workplace can act to help save a life with ZOLL® ResQSystem™ solutions.
Contact a product expertAnyone in your workplace can act to help save a life with ZOLL® ResQSystem™ solutions.
Contact a product expertAnything can happen. Anyone can help.™
A co-worker cuts his hand, causing severe bleeding. A manager suffers sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) during a meeting. A customer experiences a seizure during a site visit.
Whether you unexpectedly face a cardiac event or a life-threatening trauma incident in the workplace, you need to have the right equipment — and be prepared to respond.
ZOLL has best-in-class AEDs and trauma kits to keep your workplace safe and compliant. Backed with program management tools that free you from device tracking tasks, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that your workers — and your bottom line — are both ready and protected.
Installing ZOLL AEDs in your workplace and providing CPR training for your employees can ensure timely treatment for a victim of SCA.
Learn what sets our AEDs apart
Respond to mass casualty events with greater efficiency. This option contains four small utility kits so several people can help multiple victims at the same time. Each kit contains supplies to address severe bleeding, airway issues, seizures, and more.
The Powerheart® G5 AED with Intellisense™ CPR coaches rescuers with real-time corrective feedback on rate and depth to ensure delivery of quality CPR compressions. Perform each step of the rescue guided by user-paced instruction from RescueCoach® voice and text prompts. Fully automatic shock delivery, one-button dual-language functionality, and automatic self-testing give rescuers the power to act with confidence.
Be prepared with our most extensive set of medical supplies and interactive instructions to help manage severe bleeding, seizures, choking, hypothermia, fractures, allergic reactions, and more. The integrated instructional app guides users with real-time instructions on how to use the supplies to provide care.
When someone’s life is in the balance, you need responsive solutions. The AED 3 defibrillator is one of the fastest in the industry. It provides data and evidence-based guidance that have the potential to significantly increase a patient’s chances of survival.
In the workplace or on the go, trauma supplies will be within reach with our lightweight, compact kit. It contains supplies to help manage emergencies like severe bleeding, seizures, choking, and hypothermia. The phone-based app provides real-time guidance.
When someone suffers sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) on your watch, you need an AED and responders who are Rescue Ready®. PlusTrac is an interactive, web-based solution that streamlines administration and provides visibility into your AED program. The software helps you stay current on program compliance, keep up with the health of your devices, and track your team’s work and progress.
AEDs help save lives — when they’re working properly. Be Rescue Ready with ZOLL's program management software, maintenance, and training.
AEDs are an essential part of lifesaving care. Our AED Plus provides real-time, evidence-based CPR guidance with the option of shocking the heart when necessary.
Helpful resources
Learn about national workplace safety standards and how you can prepare to manage medical emergencies.
Read our Safety Preparedness eBookTips and best practices for AED program managers to ensure devices and responders are Rescue Ready®
Read our Program Management eBookCreate a safer work environment: Here are six reasons your workplace needs a ZOLL AED
Explore our Workplace Facts FlyerWhen there’s a call for help. Make sure you have everything you need in one central location.
Explore ZOLL ResQSystemsSource:
Also of interest
When an employee collapsed from SCA, health and safety manager Jason Wallace's facility was prepared. The employee’s colleagues came to the rescue and helped save his life.
Read the full storyEvery workplace is required to meet basic safety standards set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to minimize hazards and help ensure the health and safety of workers. Failure to comply could result in serious penalties.
Learn moreDoes your organization have enough AEDs? Are they easily accessible? Are they within a 3-minute reach from all locations? We can help you plan with a free site assessment.
Learn moreDevices must be maintained, accessories must be replaced, and responders must be up to date on their training. With Rescue Ready Services software, service, and training, you can rest assured — you will be prepared when there is a call for help.
Learn moreFrom best-in-class AEDs and trauma kits to innovative program management software and services, we are here to help you be Rescue Ready®.
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