ZOLL Respiratory Knowledge Portal

Track and target ventilator care therapy to help prevent unplanned, extended ICU care.

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The ZOLL Respiratory Knowledge Portal (RKP) data application system uses mathematical modeling to assess ventilator data and provide a snapshot of current and historical patient information. A suite of analytics provides operational and patient insights, giving your team tools to help improve weaning protocols, care delivery, and patient outcomes.

Improve ventilation care to help shorten ventilator length of stay

Unplanned, extended ICU care can undermine patient comfort and raise care costs. RKP gives you the data you need to plan for, coordinate, and execute effective ventilator management and weaning protocols.

Robust reporting to improve process management

View weaning protocol trends, care delivery efficiencies, and patient outcomes. Get an operational overview to help improve process management.

Daily rounding dashboards help improve patient management

Inefficiencies and variance from weaning protocols can lead to prolonged ventilator support and possibly even secondary lung injury. RKP dashboards identify patient readiness to wean, execute wake up breathing initiatives, and help patients avoid preventable secondary lung injury.

Keep track of your team’s process improvement goals

Easy-to-read infographics help you track process improvement initiatives and identify problem areas that need attention.

  • Daily patient management dashboards detail patient information, sedation awakening test/spontaneous breathing trial (SAT/SBT) coordination, and non-compliance events.
  • Process management reports help track key performance indicators, unit performance, trends, and weaning timing.

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ZOLL solutions experts are ready and waiting with product support, service, and recommendations that meet your needs.

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